We will work closely with you to understand your child’s needs and to determine if the required intervention approaches can be used, or if necessary adapted, during telehealth appointments. As we consider the possibility of telehealth, we may need to consider your child’s physical and sensory needs, cognitive function (including attention), the significance of your child’s communication needs, your family’s cultural and linguistic diversity and the availability of a parent or caregiver to attend and help facilitate therapy activities where necessary.
Like all speech pathology intervention, time needs to be taken to determine if telehealth is the best option and fit for your child. Positively, telehealth services can provide great benefit for families that live in remote or rural locations or families that have difficulties accessing therapy due to individual differences. However, telehealth may not be the best service delivery option if your family does not have the technology requirements (as listed below) or based upon your child’s unique needs.
Speech Clinic prioritises providing the highest level of individualised care regardless of whether appointments occur within the home environment or via telehealth services. Even after having successful appointments, we always take time to evaluate and reflect on how we can continue to provide the highest level of care.